Today is World Environment Day - the biggest international day for the environment. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually since 1974, the event has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach, with millions of people from across the world engaging to protect the planet.
Here at Chemring, becoming a sustainable organisation is integral to the running our businesses today and for the future as we manage our environmental, social and governance ("ESG")-related risks.
Our approach to the environment
We have set a strategic target to be carbon neutral by 2030 and a net-zero organisation by 2050. Every Chemring business unit is currently implementing carbon reduction plans to help us achieve these targets. Our Sustainability Committee shapes, monitors, and ensures future progress against these targets.
Our strategy is to reduce our global Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by improving energy efficiency, reducing consumption and by purchasing electricity from renewable sources.
Carbon emissions are categorised into Scope 1 and Scope 2. Scope 1 covers the GHG emissions we make directly — for example, while running our boilers and vehicles. Scope 2 is the emissions we make indirectly. For example, when the electricity or energy we buy for heating and cooling buildings is being produced on our behalf.
In 2021, we committed to becoming carbon neutral for scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and working to be a net-zero organisation by 2050. We're on track to meet a 25% reduction in market-based scope 1 & 2 emissions by the end of FY24.
Here is a great example of how we're reducing carbon emissions at our Chemring Energetics UK (CEUK) facility in Ardeer, Scotland.
Ardeer steam distribution line improvements
Natural gas consumption accounts for approximately 79% of carbon emissions from the CEUK facility in Ardeer. This gas is only used for steam generation, which is utilised in heating and drying operations across the site. However, surveys of the steam distribution pipework identified there could be significant losses from leaks and failing valves.
In January 2022, the maintenance team carried out various repair works on the steam distribution line, including replacing sections of pipework and valve and replacing the steam trap.
Through EcoOnline, the environmental, health and safety software platform, carbon emissions were monitored and compared to the previous year's performance. Initial indications from February to April show a Year To Date total site reduction in carbon emissions of 10% compared to FY2021.